Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits


The evaluation portion of a webquest is often a rubric that lists objectives and levels of competency associated with each objective. For this particular webquest, the evaluation would take place after you had worked with the teacher to develop and deliver the technology-enhanced lesson plan.

In many ways, evaluating technology-enhanced instruction is no different from evaluating regular instruction. Your school probably already has an instructional evaluation form used for observations. There are also many different evaluation forms online. Here's one from a social studies methods professor. And this one is a Checklist for Evaluating Instruction. Want more? Go to Google and search on "lesson plan" evaluation or evaluating instruction.

The only real difference in evaluating technology-enhanced instruction is to ask if the use of technology was appropriate. Did the technology enhance the instruction? What impact did the technology have on student motivation and learning? Did the technology allow the teacher and the students to either do something better or do something they couldn't do without technology? If the overwhelming answer to these questions is negative, then you should question whether the integration was successful.

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