Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits

The Task

As part of the Virginia Initiative for Technology and Administrative Leadership, your school completed the TAGLIT survey. In the section about Teachers' Use of Technology in Teaching and Learning, you were a bit disappointed in your results. After all, your teachers have completed the TSIPs. Shouldn't a larger percentage be making an effort to use technology effectively? And what about that zero percent of natural users? That was a real surprise. Certainly someone must have found a way to integrate technology after all that professional development you've done!


After sharing the results with your faculty and talking about different ways they might increase the use of technology, your 11th grade English teacher comes to you with a challenge. She is a master teacher who does an excellent job of helping her students grapple with literature. She prides herself on providing quality, student-centered activities. But she just hasn't been able to really integrate technology beyond having students type reports, use the web for research or create PowerPoint presentations. What else can she do with a subject like hers that seems very text-based. Together, she hopes the two of you can find instructional strategies that will incorporate technology and both motivate her students while increasing their learning.

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Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits


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