Karen Richardson is the owner of Ivy Run, LLC, a company that provides educational technology services and training. Visit Karen's homepage to find out more!

The Briefcase

The Briefcase is my little corner of the web devoted to educational research. I am just getting started on my second semester of graduate school and have begun to collect websites and create resources related to research. Since I've already benefited from others' collections, I thought I would contribute my resources to the web community..

Inspiration Webs and Matrices:

As I am visual learner, I started creating webs for different research topics. Using Inspiration, I designed the webs then saved them as both web pages and pdf files. I also have links to the original Inspiiration files for those of you who own the program. By the way, if you don't own Inspiration, you should! You can get a thirty-day demo at their website.

Introduction to Research
Comparing Qualitative and Quantitative Research HTML PDF Inspiration 7
Statistical Tests HTML PDF Inspiration 7
Survey Types HTML PDF Inspiration 7
The Research Process HTML PDF Inspiration 7
Types of Research HTML PDF Inspiration 7

Qualitative Research: A series of webs that attempt to group types of qualitative research. They are all internally linked so you can start with the main web and then view the rest of them. I've also included links to the individual webs.

Qualitative Research (Main Web) HTML PDF Inspiration
Identifying Paradigms: Question HTML


Strategies, Methods, and Perspectives HTML PDF Inspiration
Categorizing Qualitative Research HTML PDF Inspiration
Hermeneutics HTML PDF Inspiration
Phenomenology HTML PDF Inspiration
Heuristics Versus Phenomenology HTML PDF Inspiration
Social Construction and Constructivism HTML PDF Inspiration
Ecological Psychology HTML PDF Inspiration
Orientational Qualitative Inquiry HTML PDF Inspiration
Systems Theory HTML PDF Inspiration
Symbolic Interaction HTML PDF Inspiration
Ethnography HTML PDF Inspiration
Reality-Oriented Correspondence Theories HTML PDF Inspiration

Paradigm Matrix: Ontology, Epistemology, Methods and Purposes

Web Resources:

I don't want to overwhelm you with hundreds of research websites. Instead, I will choose the ones that I found the most helpful.

General Research Resources

Qualitative Research Resources


Site developed by Karen Richardson
Visit Karen's Homepage